Representative Clients

- Atlanta Beltline
- Atlanta Downtown Improvement District
- Bay Area Regional Transportation System (BART)
- Bellevue Convention Center Authority
- Bend Chamber of Commerce
- Broadway Rose Theater
- Camera World
- Capital City Development Corp (Boise, ID)
- Casey Family Programs
- Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
- City of Beaverton, Oregon
- City of Bellevue, Washington
- City of Boise, Idaho
- City of Burien, Washington
- City of Eugene, Oregon
- City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- City of Gresham, Oregon
- City of Kansas City, Missouri
- City of Kent, Washington
- City of Klamath Falls, Oregon
- City of Lake Oswego, Oregon
- City of Las Vegas, Nevada
- City of Lincoln City, Oregon
- City of Los Angeles, California
- City of Milwaukie, Oregon
- City of Monmouth, Oregon
- City of Pasadena, California
- City of Pasco, Washington
- City of Portland, Oregon
- City of Redlands, California
- City of Redmond, Washington
- City of Reno, Nevada
- City of Renton, Washington
- City of Sacramento, California
- City of Salem, Oregon
- City of Salt Lake City, Utah
- City of Santa Ana, California
- City of Seaside, Oregon
- City of Seattle, Washington
- City of Tigard, Oregon
- City of Tualatin, Oregon
- City of Tucson, Arizona
- City of Wilsonville, Oregon
- Clackamas Community College
- Clackamas County, Oregon
- Columbia EcoVillage
- Columbia Sportswear Company
- Columbus Street Railway Company
- Conde, Inc. (El Paso, TX)
- Cordoba Corp (Santa Ana, CA)
- Daimler Trucks North America
- De La Salle North Catholic High School
- District of Columbia – DDOT
- Evergreen International
- Guardian Management, LLC
- Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
- Historic South Downtown Community Preservation (Seattle, WA)
- Housing Authority of Portland/Home Forward
- Japanese Cultural Center of Washington
- Johnson Reid LLC
- Jubitz Corp.
- Kalberer Hotel Supply Co.
- Killingsworth Cohousing
- King County, Washington
- Les Schwab Tires
- Lloyd Center Business Improvement District
- Los Angeles Streetcar, Inc.
- Louis Dreyfus Property Management
- Medford Chamber of Commerce
- Metro Exposition & Recreation Center
- Metropolitan Service District (METRO), Oregon
- Multnomah County, Oregon
- Norcrest China Co./H. Naito Development Co.
- Northwest Academy
- Northwest Natural Gas Co.
- Oak View Group
- Obie Companies
- Open School
- Oregon Coast Aquarium
- Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Oregon Economic Development Department
- Oregon Food Bank
- Oregon Garden Foundation
- Oregon Maritime Museum
- Oregon Pacific Investment Development Co.
- Oregon Public Broadcasting Commission
- Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation
- Oregon State University
- Oregon Wheat Commission/Wheat Marketing Center, Inc.
- Pacific Northwest College of Art
- Pacifica Law Group
- Paramount of Washington
- Pike Place Market Development Authority
- Pioneer Courthouse Square, Inc.
- Planned Parenthood
- Port of Portland
- Port of St. Helens
- Portland Chamber of Commerce
- Portland Development Commission
- Portland Exposition-Recreation Commission
- Portland Parks Foundation
- Portland State University
- Portland Streetcar, Inc.
- Portland Village School
- Reed College
- Regional Task Force on Convention, Trade & Spectator Facilities
- Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County
- Safeway Stores, Inc.
- Seafood Consumer Center, Inc.
- Seattle Aquarium
- Seattle Department of Transportation
- Seattle Kraken
- Seattle Opera
- Seattle Public Schools
- Sound Transit
- Springboard Innovation
- Strategic Economics (Berkley CA)
- The International School, Portland, Oregon
- The Planning Center (Tucson, AZ)
- Tillamook People’s Utility District
- Tochterman Management Group
- Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet)
- U.S. Bancorp
- University of Washington
- Utah Transit Authority
- Uwajimaya, Inc.
- Vintage Trolley, Inc.
- Vulcan, Inc.
- Washington State Baseball Stadium District
- Washington State University
- Weyerhaeuser Co.
- Woodland Park Zoo
- World Forestry Center
- YMCA of Columbia-Willamette
- YMCA of Tillamook
- YWCA of Greater Portland